How to Select the Best Short Courses That Lead to Good Jobs

How to Select the Best Short Courses That Lead to Good Jobs

Let’s talk about short courses! Are you there wondering which are the best short courses in Kenya? Well, we have done the homework for you, we will make it easy for you to settle on the best course.

The good thing is that these courses have the likelihood of landing you in a good job with high salary.

The good thing about short courses is that they are more affordable than higher education courses. Further, you get to learn more within a short duration of time. Therefore, if you need to have expert skills a short course is an ideal option for you.

Sensei College is one of the leading technical colleges in offer short course in Kenya.

Top courses trending in Kenya

  1. Driving School which includes Car, Bus, Light Truck, Trailer, Motorcycle Riding, Tuk Tuk Driving and Defensive Driving
  2. Plant Operator
  3. Mechanics: Plant Mechanics, Motor Vehicle Mechanics, Motorcycle Mechanics, Tuk Tuk Mechanics, Vehicle Electronics / Vehicle Wiring, Spray Painting & Panel Beating and Generator Repair Technician
  4. Agricultural Courses which includes Farm Tractor Mechanics, Irrigation Installation & Repair Technician, Hydroponics Technician and Farm Tools Repairs Technician (Chaff Cutter Etc)
  5. Building Courses including Masonry, Plumbing & Drainage, Concrete Technology, Roofing Construction, Welding & Fabrication, Scaffolding, Steel Fixing, Partitions, Painting & Decoration, Floor &Wall Tile Fixing, Special Floor Finishes and Building Construction Technology.
  6. Road & Dam Construction
  7. Survey Instrument Operation & Reading
  8. Block & Brick Making
  9. Carpentry & Joinery
  10. Precast Concrete Units – (Roadkerbs, Fencing, Posts, Culverts)
  11. Archicard Program
  12. Electrical And CCtv Courses -. Electrical Installation
  13. Solar Installation
  14. Cctv & Alarm Systems
  15. Phone Repairs Technician (Software & Hardware)
  16. Audio Video Repairs Technician – (Radio, Subwoofer & Tv)
  17. Refrigerator & Air Condition
  18. Home Appliances Technician – (Iron Box, Microwave)
  19. Fashion Design Courses
  20. Hairdressing & Beauty Courses
  21. Sound & Media Courses
  22. Photography, Video Production & Editing
  23. ICT Courses
  24. Hospitality Courses