
My Journey To Working At A Coca Coal Company

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“I’m proud to have been trained by Sensei Institute of Technology!”  Mark Omondi gives us his story.

After high school Mark was enrolled in an engineering college as per his mum’s wishes even though his dream was to become a plant operator. After completing the course with a certificate he managed to do several jobs in the mechanical field

With the jobs he did, he saved up for his dream course Plant operator and paid his full tuition fee for the course at Sensei Institute of Technology. He started his driving classes at Sensei Nakuru on 06th Feb 2020 then proceeded to Sensei Kitengela for plant operator on 04th March 2020. It was not easy after the pandemic emerged because Students were sent home for 5 good months. In his own words, Mark says Life wasn’t a “joy-ride” as he expected due to the pandemic that cut short his studies. But he thanks God school resumed later in the year and he was able to complete and sit for exams in September.

After he received his license he tarmacked for a month looking for attachment from various companies, it wasn’t easy as some demanded for money. However, he never gave up. Every day he woke up he ensured to put God first.

One day he decided to apply online at Coca Coal Company, his message was replied sooner than he anticipated. He was lucky enough to be attached to a construction company in Mombasa. His attachment was to take a period of 3 months during that time he showed maximum discipline and dedication to his work. After 2 months, he was employed in the company. Mark describes this experience as a miracle! He is now working as a shovel and roller operator at Dhanjal Brothers Limited in Mombasa

Marks parting Shot

“Never give up despite the obstacles.  Seek God first and everything else will fall into place. In addition to this, don’t bribe to get the job. There is time for everything. “Obama retired at the age of 55 while Trump became president at age 72” Lastly, Sensei is the best!!!”

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